
Enter your Username and Password

Login information:

  1. STUDENTS: identifier - email alias in the @student.po.edu.pl domain only in the form s12345@student.po.edu.pl (where 12345 is the index number), password - identical to the password to the eStudent portal.
    Note: If you do not have an account on the eStudent portal and/or an e-mail account @student.po.edu.pl, please read the instructions available at how to create a new account.
  2. POSTGRADUATE STUDIES: ID - email alias in the @student.po.edu.pl domain only in the form p12345@student.po.edu.pl (where 12345 is the student number), password - identical to the password to the eStudent portal.
  3. PhD students: ID - email alias in the @doktorant.po.edu.pl domain (if the eStudent account was created in 2020 or earlier) only in the form of d12345@doktorant.po.edu.pl (where 12345 is the student number) or in the @student.po.edu.pl domain (if the eStudent account was created in 2021 or later) only in the form of d12345@student.po.edu.pl (where 12345 is the student number), password - identical to the password to the eStudent portal.
eStudent: Nowe konto - instrukcja
  1. EMPLOYEES: ID - e-mail account in the @po.edu.pl domain, e.g.: j.kowalski@po.edu.pl password - identical to the password for the epracownik.po.edu.pl portal epracownik.po.edu.pl.
  2. In case of problems with logging in, please read the information in the Help -> FAQ section, available at https://estudent.po.opole.pl.